This week brought another lesson in tenacity and empathy to me. My hard drive crashed two weeks ago, I got my computer back with a new hard drive a week and a half ago, and still I worked for 10-14 hours per day on the final project for this class and the Web Design class I am taking. Getting up and going back to work on these projects day after day was the lesson in tenacity. It also made me realize that I was able to spend so much time on the projects because I was able to put everything else on hold. Most people can’t do that. So, it made me realize that anyone with a family or a life (a joke) would need extra time to complete a project like this after having lost all their folders in which they had placed references, ideas, and some writings. It was a good lesson for me. I thought the crash couldn’t have come at a worse time but now I think it came at a good time to make me see what can happen.
As a result of working so many hours on my projects I didn't get to interact in the discussion areas. In addition, I proof-read projects for several other students. I started getting anxious about my lack of presence on the discussion board but then decided it was more important to help the others than it was to get noticed on the discussion board.
After reading some of the postings I realized I had forgotten about including information on what I was going to do to minimize plagiarism. I need to add something about that to my project.
Flipped Learning - Leading at all Levels
11 years ago
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